My Presentation on ‘Seeing (Platforms) Like a State’

This past weekend I presented at the Southern Economics Association annual conference a paper I have been working on for some time, titled “Seeing (Platforms) Like a State.” The paper plays off of James C. Scott’s book, “Seeing Like a State.” I argue that the lessons from Scott’s book are relevant to the governance of tech platforms.

The paper will be up in full soon-ish over at Lawfare. (EDIT: The paper is now available at the Catholic University Journal of Law and Technology). But the presentation is available below.

CL+B Fest

Yesterday, I participated in the D.C. node of the 2018 Computational Law and Blockchain Festival and had a great time talking about the importance of computational thinking in law and policy, how F.A. Hayek and the Lego Movie show computational thinking can’t solve everything, and the importance of regulatory humility and analytical egalitarianism. Slides below. Video should be available soon.